考研英语长难句备考:长难句详细解析 Day_04


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Surveys show that younger generations are more concerned about climate change, and some of the success of plant-based meat can be chalked up to shoppers wanting to signal their desire to protect the environment. (2012年英语二阅读理解text 1)


① Surveys show that younger generations are more concerned about climate change

② and some of the success of plant-based meat can be chalked up to shoppers

③ wanting to signal their desire to protect the environment.


climate change 气候变化

plant-based meat 植物肉,素肉

chalk up to 记下;归因于,

signal n. 信号,预示;v.发信号,示意

desire n. 愿望,欲望,渴望

语法分析:本句的主干结构是一个由连词and连接的并列句。构成并列的第一个句子是Surveys show that younger generations are more concerned about climate change. 其中that younger generations are more concerned about climate change,是由that引导的宾语从句,做动词show后面的宾语,意思是“年轻一代更关心气候变化”。构成并列的另一个句子是some of the success of plant-based meat can be chalked up to shoppers wanting to signal their desire to protect the environment. 意思是“并且植物肉的部分成功,可以归功于购物者们,他们想要表达自己保护环境的愿望”。其中 wanting to signal their desire to protect the environment,是后置定语,修饰shoppers。


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